let it bleed
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
i have two announcements.one.fuck i need time to go outtwo.fuck i need time to go out.the idea of exams ending is to give you sometime to go out.
but that seeeeeeeeeeeeeems so far away.
i miss going to the arcade and the
na machine.
monday wed friday training.tuesday is art.that leaves thursday
which is tomorrow and there is cross country meet.
gahhh.and i have fucking spa which means i cant use of the fact that school ends at one tomorrow.
damn! exams aint the end of all the barriers to freedom,aye?
okay that aside.
i know a couple of my results already and well well
horreeeeeble with the o.
lets start from the best
art 70 a2
english 67 b3
physics 59/60 c5/b4
chemistry fail
humanities fail
chinese probably fail
a maths prolly fail
e maths prolly fail
thats fucking sad.
cos i studied for maths.oh well!
thats like.some ugly report slip.
o level spa tomorrow.and mr tungs graphs.
so tonight no gaming and chatting or anything.
life is such a bitch sometimes.
at least im going shopping on saturday.
thats something to look forward too.
two more days.fuck thursday and friday,pass fast!
i need to cut down on my effs.the f9 and the swearing.
this blog might be abandoned soon.
till then peeeeoplez
let it bleed
Sunday, May 13, 2007
finished my art today.at five in the morning.ahahaha.
well at least its finally done.and on time for marking!
ive got some piktures so i'll let them do the talking.
sunday,done! :D
now some random ones courtesy of my mum the enthusiastic photographer.
at school.ahhaa
pallet and paints
painting real late
distorts you
and makes you spastic.i went to sleep at five after eating my super hot seaweed snack and talking on the phone.went out during the day.vivo harbourfront sentosa harbourfront esplanade! <3>
let it bleed
Sunday, May 06, 2007
today was a lazy day as usual!
sunday sunday sunday.
didnt wake up too late.like ten or eleven i think.
though i slept at two.bad bad cough.
couldnt sleep the night before.vomited and went to bed at two or so.
anyway today i didnt go watch the aviva open finals.
mugging plus exam stress plus no tickets.
so i stayed home.
anddddddddd ended up watching it on tv :D
shouldve just gotten tix from coachh.oh well
the matches were pretty exciting.missed the ladies singles due to the
the calling of my books.neeeeeeeeeeek
couldnt stand it! felt so guilty.
then my dad bought glorious wonderous laksa from queensway for me to indulge in.
when you eat you watch tv.agree?
yeah so i switched on the tv and ate my laksa.finished it.sat around watched the live telecast.
for the whole afternoooooooooon.
it was mug or badminton mug or badminton mug or badminton.
badminton la!
the games were a exciting.the mens doubles realy good!
my folks supported malaysia.bleah.i went with chinaaaaaaa!
fu haifeng and cai yun are teh sex man.
they have officially one new fan.right here :D

pictures not from this afternoon.but still.indulge.hahaha.outttttt
let it bleed
Thursday, May 03, 2007
okay factor remainder theorom quadriatic equations tick
improve on logs indices and get my coord geometry right
and a a1 shall be mine.a maths.arwr
i think i can do it.hopefully
and then i shall do doubly well for the next english componnents and get another a1
and i shall try for another a1 at physics.
i hope 3 a1s isnt too unrealistic but heck,i'll try!
im mooooooody today.sorry all the affected souls.
ten more fucking long days to paradise.
no i didnt count wrongly,i have
art. (%^$%^$^&*%%%(&%)
let it bleed
Monday, April 30, 2007
late for school today.cos apparently mother nature wasnt very nice yesterday
and decided to shower the world with an awfully heavy rain that sounded like someone
tap dancing above my roof.gawsh.
i didnt hear my alarm clock go with its awfully boring monotonous teeeet teeeet.
followed by a bang from my hand landing on its head to switch the godamn thing off.
the rain was preeeetty nice though,it made the morning nice and cooling.
although it also made a tree fall and jammed the PIE and the bus driver crash into a taxi which caused me to be twenny five minutes late.oh well.life is full of the unexpected to extend my sleeping time on the bus.i like.
a maths was first up.mr tung the bestest teacher didnt come today and boy oh boy he was missed.hell yeah.i assume la.
so the replacement killer came.i mean teacher came.
he spoke real slow and his sentences came out really.nice.and clean.helpful but fucking slow.
then we had chemistry which was a real killer cos mr chen was mad like hopping mad.
well,he was hopping around,literally.the gay way.yeah.
cos apparently none of us did the question thingy which he reminded us one million times.
oh well.spent the period ripping out pages as articles for the projeckt.
pe was screwed cos mr sji's wittiest man or so they say arul didnt feel like excusing me from pe.
so i prepared my friends cos i mightve died during those four rounds round the track.
like from bronchitis or pnuemonia or any cheem sounding disease that rapidly destroys you.
-presses fast forward button
yeah then it was chinese and we had a test.it didnt really intimidate me.and that was bad.cos i ended up closing my eyes
nearly slept but whew.i didnt thankfully.and i was coughing badly during the test amid bitter silence.
and my cheena teacher thought i was trying to cheat.yeah sure,get a life yo.
then i had another physics period and i went to the docs with my cousin who was also sick.
my mum went to see too apparently she has 'tennis elbow'
too much housework the doc says,and i aint helping.oooooooooops daisy.
went home slept stoned cancelled tution felt sick and ate and blogged and yeah thats my day.
this post was brought to you by neek who has not turned into a geek.not a good sign.anyway,he says bye.
let it bleed
Sunday, April 29, 2007
this week was a not so fantastic week.
thursdaty was sports day.and my class lost the interclass track title by two fucking points.
twotwotwotwo.if not we'll own soccer rugby track.
damn! oh well.highlights of the day.our four by four team got second.
jiajing aaron jat and me.
then was the four by hundered where jiajing screwed up.even he said so.so we lost out with a fourth.danng.
if we'd won maybe the trophy would've been ours.or so they say!
oh well.then again maybe we had too much air in our heads after the previous interclass.
friday i had my 2.4 run.wghich sucked big time
11.42.maybe cos my legs were a lil painful form the day before but what the hell!
11.42.oh well.stamina i neeeeeeeeeeed
afterschool i did art and came home.thenthe whore came over and we had dinner.after which
he came over to my place where we playstationed-ed the whole night away.
one mugging night wasteddd!
saturady had tution x 2 in the morning.woah! finally cleeared my doubts on coord geometry since like forever!
whew :D
had training and then dinner with the whore again.
ahahahaa.and th whore came over.again.ahahah.
another mugging night down teh drain yoo!
sunday which is today was mug my ass off day and i did sji past year papers.
i have this terrible cough and it soundslike a wheeeeeeeze so im gonna see the doctor tomorrow.
i shall bring apples :D
let it bleed